Ellen & Adam- Golden Mast Inn, Lake Okauchee, WI

I don’t know where to begin to describe how great Ellen and Adam’s wedding day was. Well, first things first, they are so sweet, so sincere, so funny, so sarcastic, so loving and so much fun. When we got to the room where Ellen and the ladies were getting ready we were greeted by Ellen as a unicorn. She had all her bridesmaids in animal onesies. They were keeping things light and fun and when Ellen’s mom began to feel emotional or nervous she looked at Ellen and would put a finger to her head like a unicorn’s horn and say, “UNICORN!” to keep herself from crying. It was a gesture that reoccurred throughout the day. They were married on Lake Okauchee in the coolest venue with open air walls and beautiful light. There was a hiccup when their sand ceremony wasn’t set up but they didn’t miss a beat, just made jokes about it and laughed along with the whole crowd watching. It’s moments like that, the little unexpected things where you can tell how much two people love each other. As usual, I was crying seeing how much they were smiling and how excited they were to finally be married. They’re too stinkin’ cute and we just had the best time with them all day. It was a wedding where even after a long day I didn’t want to leave when we were finished. I’m so happy for Ellen and Adam and I can’t wait to hear all about how amazing the honeymoon was when you get back. Congratulations!!